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Built to last Outfitters

Mayhaps it was me that you Miracled at the Palace in 92.
~ This past West Coast run we saw plenty of empty venues. Utah was especially remarkable since tickets at the door were only $20! The place wasn't even a quarter of the way full.

Glad you enjoyed my patches, but I have much better pictures of that one!
(Came across your blog by looking for Images of Furthur at the Wang, and I saw my patch.)

Anyway, keep on keepin on!


That is a freaking great search engine coincidence. Yeah, send me a better pic and I'll switch it out. Send a link if you have one.

My cousin's trying to talk me into the Merriweather Post Pavilion show on July 8. Maybe if the stars align....

Built to last Outfitters

Dew it!
We recently caught the Bobby and Bruce shows and it was wonderful.
Life is too short, and there is still plenty of dancing to dew!
Better pics here:

Dan S Wang

Thanks for the pics.

Yeah, a west coast friend tells me she went to the first of two Bobby/Bruce shows, figuring it would be a good time. But it was so great that as soon as she got home, she went online to buy a ticket for the next night.

For me, I am in fact booked for Furthur on July 8!

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