Tomorrow, July 1, 2011, is the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. There will be many celebrations and occasions of reflection and appreciation, in all media. Chinese internet portals will be festooned with commemorative banners, television specials will air, and a major motion picture will be released. You can't miss the Party's birthday decorations around town, not least in Tiananmen Square:
There is no way to fairly assess both the accomplishments and disasters of Communist Party Rule in anything less than a multi-volume study. As much as the cold warriors of the West would have us believe that communist systems are simply and only evil, the fact remains that for China the CCP was the only force able to impose stability after a half century of unbelievable social and economic chaos. This is something that the Party itself never ceases to boast. On the other hand, it is also true that the Party makes mistakes, sometimes on a massive scale. Some of the worst problems facing China now are being exacerbated by issues having to do with the political system. Without being prepared to write a long essay about specific things, it is pointless to go beyond saying that.
But what I can say is, what would be better than following the Party's party, with a celebration of our own, and to do it Beijing. Especially since the Fourth of July is only three days later. So, here it is:
Celebrate American Independence Day with The Journey West!
Monday July 4, 2011 at 19:00 2011年7月4日 周一 19:00
Parade begins at 19:00 sharp at The Journey West Travel Office.
Come celebrate the day America became America and declared independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain on July 4, 1776.
To commemorate this historic event that happens every year in America we will hold an abridged reading of the Declaration of Independence followed by a parade of simulated fireworks, fire eating, jugglers, music and classic American BBQ (barbecue) featuring hot dogs with all the fixings, corn-on-the-cob, Coca-cola, Pepsi and of course apple pie! Special discount price on all package tours!
The Journey West Travel Office/西游旅行社 is a performative installation that casts a critical eye on global tourism created by American artists Dan S. Wang and Stephanie Rothenberg.
The travel office is open Saturday and Sunday from 12:00-15:00 through July 17th and by special appointment ([email protected])
Recent post about the project on
“西游计划”的网站设计;西南部的“大美国实验基地游”项目是由一个隐藏的军事基地,政府的秘密空中旅行,和监狱的著名权威Trevor Paglen领团。
“西游计划”(“The Journey West”)是两位美国艺术家王念华(Dan S. Wang,中西部)和史蒂.罗森博格(Stephanie Rothenberg,纽约)的合作项目,他们在北京创立了一个旅游机构,推销另类的“美国游”,他们也让几位旅游机构的工作人员,帮助将旅游项目推广给公众,同时也举办与旅游相关的艺术家表演,七月中旬结束。关于项目详情,可登陆网站, 七月四日美国国庆日,他们将举办派对,用传统食物(玉米和热狗)待客,还有吞火和杂耍表演。以下罗森博格谈艺术项目。
这个机构是想构建露西-里帕德(Lucy Lippard)在《本土传统》(Lure of the Local)中所说的“批判性旅游”(critical tourism)。我们也正在看迪恩-麦康纳(Dean MacCannel)的《旅客阶层理论》(Theory of the Tourist Class),这个是对托斯丹-凡勃伦(Thorstein Veblen)100年前写的《休闲阶级理论》的谐谑,此书在今日依然言之凿凿。
在爱德华-伯汀斯基(Edward Burtynsky)的《人造风景》里,一位中国女孩带领着参加了一座中国工厂,她所运用的言辞具有美国企业文化色彩,但是与中国式价值观结合起来的,所以我们在旅游行业里雇佣年轻的中国人,这样,他们做推销,我们帮助整合。我们想知道的是再次挪用意味着设么?中国正在挪用我们的企业文化,但他们赋予其自己的价值观,之后卖回给我们。我们想反过来,将它们(在美国的旅行)卖给中国观众。
这些都是和我们对旅游的批评、文化标识、保真性有关。还包含一个完全不同的元素:展览模式。一种表演与装置艺术但逃跑传统画廊则发生于公共空间。我在北京碰到过几个中国艺术家,都是在这种关系性和情势性的状态下创作,如Michael Yuen和他的驴车,或者如马永峰和Forget Art。
这是一种文化殖民主义么?很多这样的情势关系艺术出自欧洲的社会政治运动,策略性媒介和方式在美国以“批判艺术体”(Critical Art Ensemble) 这样的人开始。它们是对这个商业化、
单一的艺术世界的回应,人们从哪里受到这些影响而做这样的事情呢?就如Forget Art的澡堂介入一样“地点:龙泉洗浴”项目,我觉得那真是非常明智的,之所以行之有效,因为也是在草场地。
— 文/ 采访 / 安静
The travel office is located at 43 Zhonglouwan Hutong Dongcheng District
directly between the historic Drum and Bell Towers and next to the Drum and Bell bar.
Check our website for details on special events and package tour discounts
Dan S. Wang
Stephanie Rothenberg