Pasted below is the schedule of events for our China Drift, with plenty of middle dates yet to be filled in. They will be; we'll be having some announced events in both Wuhan and Chongqing. Many thanks to the HomeShop crew for their fabulous organizing and networking skills. Stay tuned!
大陆漂流 . 中国 Continental Drift China
18 May �C 5 June 2011
The Continental Drift China brings together artists, curators, theorists, and activists to explore the impacts that current geopolitical transformations are having on the public frameworks and intimate environments of existence. For one week, the roving seminar will drift through Beijing, endeavouring to bring abstract analysis (economics, sociology, urbanism, aesthetics, etc.) into direct contact with situated projects. By way of presentations, a workshop, discussion sessions and site visits, the project provides a movement through space thriving on conviviality, perceptual experimentation, unexpected encounters and informed travel in both metropolitan and rural settings.
本次大陆漂流活动由 "我们家” 青年自治中心,“家作坊”,“哪里哪里”策展联盟,与“罗盘”(美国中西部激进 文化走廊)等组织共同合作举办。
The Continental Drift China is developed by Desireè Youth Autonomy Center, HomeShop and the Where Where Curatorial Collective, in conjunction with Compass (of the Midwest Radical Culture Corridor).
欲知所列每项活动的细节,请看本安排表下的具体内容。请注意不是所有的活动都在同一 场所,活动地址安排如下:
For detailed descriptions of each of the events listed, please see below. Note that not all events are at the same location; addresses are listed accordingly.
星期一 monday |
星期二 tuesday |
星期三 wednesday |
星期四 thursday |
星期五 friday |
星期六 saturday |
星期天 sunday |
19 “合辑”,底特律音乐人类学赏析,王念华主讲 “Selections”, an evening of musical anthropology led by Dan S. WANG 晚上7点开始 地点:家作坊,东城区交道口北二条8号 Thursday, 19 May, 19.00 HomeShop; Dongcheng District,Jiaodaokou Beiertiao 8 |
20 “大陆漂流”漂去天津Continental Drift to Tianjin |
21 杨先让(艺术家, 曾任中央美术学院民间美术系主任)讲座 a Talk with Professor YANG Xianrang, artist and former head of the Central Academy of Fine Arts Folk Arts and Crafts department 具体时间待定 地点:家作坊,东城区交道口北二条8号 Exact time to be confirmed HomeShop;Jiaodaokou Beiertiao 8 “西�[计划”艺术假扮旅行社简单开张 “Journey West” Travel Agency performative soft opening 5下午4点开始 钟楼湾胡同41号 Saturday, 21 May, 16.00 41Zhonglouwan Hutong (next door to The Drum and Bell Bar) |
22 《北二条小报》自办出版工作坊 Beiertiao Leaksself-publishing workshop 5月22-23日,周六到周一,早上10点开始直到印刷完毕 10.00 until the presses are hot HomeShop;Jiaodaokou Beiertiao 8 |
23 《北二 条小报》自办出版工作坊 Beiertiao Leaks self-publishing workshop 5月22-23日,周六到周一,早上10点开始直到印刷完毕 10.00 until the presses are hot HomeShop;Jiaodaokou Beiertiao 8 |
24 从5月23日“大陆漂流”继续向武汉与重庆漂流,6月4日返回北京。如果你对我们下一步的旅行感兴 趣,请e- mail垂询: [email protected]。 From the 23rd of May until the 4th of June, the Drift continues on to Wuhan and Chongqing before rounding back up in Beijing. If you are interested to continue with us on this leg of the journey, please inquire:[email protected]. |
25 |
26 | 27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 “哪里哪里” 艺术空间将与大陆漂流参加者联合举办一个开放总结论坛。更多的详情稍候发布。 The Where Where Exhibition Space in Caochangdi will host a final forum with China Drift participants open to the public. More details to be announced. 下午3点开始 15.00 “哪里哪里” 艺术空间 朝阳区草场地村319-1艺术东区A区内 Where Where Exhibition Space No. 319-1, East End Art Zone A, Caochangdi |
关于“大陆漂流”About the Continental Drift project
The Drift is an open practice research project initiated by Brian HOLMES and Claire PENTECOST that begins with the observed fact of globalization structured along continental blocs of political and economic power. Continental Drift has taken the form of self-organized seminars in New York and Zagreb, with the collaboration of Rene GABRI, Ayreen ANASTAS, and the curatorial collective WHW (What, How and for Whom). The Drift took mobile form for a ten-day expedition around the Midwest in 2008 with regular short trips afterward. In April of this year Claire and Brian traveled with Argentine comrades from Rosario to Bahia Blanca, tracing at regional scale the post-neoliberal arc of the global south. With Compass comrades, Beijing-based collaborators, and invited friends on board for twenty days of discussions and encounters, the China Drift will bring the Continental Drift project one step closer to squaring the circle of global society.
For more information about the participants of the Continental Drift China, please
合辑 Selections
Thursday, 19 May, 19.00
location: HomeShop, Jiaodaokou Beiertiao 8
Selections is a listening event series born in Chicago in 2003 in answer to the need among music fans to share their best-loved or most intriguing recordings with each other, in the terrain between uptight academia and too-loud clubs. Beginning at Chicago's experimental cultural space Mess Hall, the series has included at least nine events. Selections at HomeShop will be the first in the series to take place outside the US. Past presenters have included the critic Mike O'FLAHERTY on the underground rock of the year 1984, artist Marc FISCHER on screaming in music, composer Janice MISURELL-MITCHELLl on the avant-classical tradition, and experimental musician Gabriel SALOMAN on the anarcho punk of CRASS. With moderate volume levels and friendly discussion, Selections is the perfect place to treat your ears to the fandom of another. For this evening's program, artist and writer Dan S. WANG plays two hours of intense rock and true soul from Detroit and Michigan, one of America's most musically creative regions.
西�[计划 The Journey West
Saturday, 21 May, 16.00
location: 41 Zhonglouwan Hutong (next door to The Drum and Bell Bar)
作为“大陆漂移项目”的一部分,丝特芬妮・若芬堡和王念华将为他们那个名为“西�[计划”的合作旅行社项目开一个张。这个旅行社位于钟楼和鼓楼 之间, 将提供一个你连梦都没梦见过的“美国梦”一条龙服务。
As part of the Continental Drift program, Stephanie ROTHENBERG and Dan WANG will present a soft opening of their collaborative travel agency project entitled "The Journey West". Located between the Drum and Bell towers, the travel agency will offer full service package tours of an "American Dream" that you haven't even dreamed of yet.
《北二条小报》Beiertiao Leaks
Sunday & Monday, 22-23 May, 10.00 until the presses are hot
location: HomeShop, Jiaodaokou Beiertiao 8
从2011年5月22日开始,我们将相聚在家作坊北二条新闻/设计/印刷室,在此参与者们将各就各位,在实践中面对文本交织的瓶颈并探索隐匿 其中的突破口。 在活动结束前,小报将以丝网印刷的方式出版并准备好投放到读者手中。 我们欢迎您在这两天中随时到访,为《北二条小报》提供 文本,图像,信息,周边新闻,设计,工作,点心或灵感。 至于我们每个字的稿酬,你可以向任何记者打听:写作赚不来钱,但我们的工作是出于对 新闻事业的热爱,对吧?
Beiertiao Leaks continues with its second edition for a two-day workshop from 22-23 May 2011. In the tradition of the daily paper, we will again address the content of a single day. The local news, the weather, fleeting bargains and other phenomena are still to be sought out and documented. But in this edition, coinciding with the Continental Drift in Beijing, we must also record the baggage we bring with us as our correspondents go mobile. Reporting is a form of projection as much as of sharp perception, insofar as it organizes reception. Insofar as it follows stories beyond their immediacy, through ambiguity, virtuality and possibility.
The Facts:
Starting at 10am on 22.05.11, we will gather at the Beiertiao newsroom/design department/printing press in HomeShop, where participants will take their positions and weave together the unweavable. By the end of the two days, the edition will be silkscreen printed on-site and ready for distribution. You are welcome to come at any point over the weekend to contribute text, image, information, local rumors, design, labor, refreshments and/or inspiration. As for our rate-per-character, ask any journalist: writing doesn't pay. But we're in it for the lifestyle, right?
Beijing 100007 Dongcheng District
Jiaodaokou Beiertiao, Number 8
T /// +86 010 8403 0952
W ///
E /// [email protected]
[email protected]